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Function and importance of phosphorus

Phosphorus is a mineral that works together with calcium. It is responsible for the structure of bones and teeth. Other functions include stimulating the nervous system and stimulating muscle contractions. Normally, when phosphorus enters the body, some is absorbed. The remaining part in the blood

How to eat taro safely and healthily

The benefits and properties of eat taro are hidden in abundance. Underneath its sweet, delicious flavor, It is a tuberous plant with an underground stem. The outer skin is brown. The flesh is white with purple spots all over. When cooked, it has a slightly sweet

Benefits of jackfruit: sweet, juicy fruit, delicious in summer

Benefits of jackfruit: sweet, juicy, delicious, refreshing, a summer fruit. Anyone who eats it must be delighted with its sweetness and deliciousness. The texture is similar to jelly. But beneath this sweet, delicious yellow flesh is Many hidden properties Today we will take you to get

Things you should know before deciding to laser armpit hair.

Laser armpit hair removal is a method that people can do. However, there may be limitations that laser treatment may not be suitable for those who have tattoos in this body area. Moreover, although this method provides relatively long-lasting results, But those who undergo armpit

Side effects from laser hair removal.

There are currently no known long-term side effects of laser hair removal. There are only a few temporary side effects that may occur. The most common are skin irritation, including redness and swelling after the procedure. This usually gets better after several hours have passed, or

Treating mild acne. 

People with mild acne will have small, small bumps (Papules) and pustules on the face. Acne at this stage is not very severe. The key is to keep your face and hair clean and free from excess oil or dirt that can cause mild acne