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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Is detoxing with vegetable juice really good for your health?

Vegetable juice and its benefits that you may not have known before. Vegetable juice is the process of processing vegetables into a drink to make it easy to eat, convenient, and also rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the body. You can eat many types

Function and importance of phosphorus

Phosphorus is a mineral that works together with calcium. It is responsible for the structure of bones and teeth. Other functions include stimulating the nervous system and stimulating muscle contractions. Normally, when phosphorus enters the body, some is absorbed. The remaining part in the blood

The effects of fatigue on health

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex disorder characterized by severe fatigue that cannot be explained by other symptoms. It can impair physical and mental activity and persist for long periods of time, often without remission, limiting the ability to carry out common activities of

How to nourish your eyebrows from the outside

Having thick, dark, well-shaped eyebrows is definitely better than thin eyebrows, right? Problems with thin eyebrow may be caused by the body lacking nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that affect the growth of hair or hair on various organs of the

Benefits of watercress according to the beliefs of different countries.

Watercress originated in France and is very popular among health-conscious people in Europe, New Zealand, and America. It is currently gaining popularity among health-conscious people because watercress is rich in many nutrients such as calcium, iron, antioxidants, and various vitamins. It is also believ to

How to eat taro safely and healthily

The benefits and properties of eat taro are hidden in abundance. Underneath its sweet, delicious flavor, It is a tuberous plant with an underground stem. The outer skin is brown. The flesh is white with purple spots all over. When cooked, it has a slightly sweet